sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

Momia Guanche

 Momia Guanche

Museo de arqueología de Madrid

Se trata de un individuo de sexo masculino, único por su excelente estado de conservación. La momia, de la que no se puede aún asegurar su antigüedad, aunque se cree que es de entre los siglos XI y XIII D.C., pertenece a un hombre de entre 35 y 40 años y se trata, según los especialistas, de la momia guanche mejor conservada del mundo, quizás sólo igualada por otra que está en Cambridge (Inglaterra).

domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Mummy of a kitten

Mummy of a kitten
Hellenistic Period (Ptolemaic dynasty)–Roman Imp
332 B.C.–A.D. 364
Height x width x depth: 13.4 x 4.5 x 5.8 cm (5 1/4 x 1 3/4 x 2 5/16 in.)
Accession Number
By 1836: Robert Hay Collection, Linplum, Scotland; 1863: to his son, Robert James Alexander Hay; 1868-1872: Way Collection, Boston (purchased by Samuel A. Way through London dealers Rollin and Feuardent, 27 Haymarket); 1872: given to the MFA by Samuel's son, C. Granville Way

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Studying Mummies and Human Remains: Some Current Developments and Issues

Studying Mummies and Human Remains: Some Current Developments and Issues

Paula Veiga


cadáveres de soldados y momificación

Todo enfrentamiento bélico, sobre todo los cuerpo a cuerpo, acarrea una serie de consecuencias desastrosas para ambos bandos: la gran cantidad de heridos y muertos.
¿Pero que pasaba en Egipto con los cuerpos de los soldados muertos? Algunos de los cuerpos si que eran recogidos y momificados o como en el caso de los soldados que murieron en el campo de batalla, que aparecen en el tema de los soldados de Mentuhotep II, los cadáveres de los soldados estuvieron el el campo de batalla durante un determinado tiempo ya que se produjo una momificación natural y sus cuerpos fueron envendados.
Es lógico pensar que si no se recogen los cadáveres, estos pueden ser devorados por depredadores.
¿Que pasaba con los cuerpos de los egipcios que morían en las batallas fuera de Egipto?

Según Christiane Desroches Noblecourt, cuando narra la Batalla de Qadesh en su libro Ramses II la verdadera história, dice lo siguiente:
" Del lado egipcio, a la división de Path que terminó de llegar al campo de batalla se le unió, aún más tardíamente,la de Set, y no combatió. Había que recoger a los heridos, reunir los carros, curar a los caballos, levantar a los muertos egipcios y hacer el recuento de los enemigos abatidos."
he puesto en negrita lo del acto de levantar a los muertos egipcios...

 Desroches explica lo siguiente en el punto aclaratotio al final del libro:
"Puede comprenderse que el cuerpo de un oficial superior, gran personaje muerto en combate, haya podido ser tratado superficialmente para recibir la momificación y el entierro en Egipto, según el deseo de todo egipcio. ¿Qué sucedía, en un país lejano, con los soldados muertos en batalla? ¿Fueron envueltos en pieles de carnero y arrojados al río, para recibir una sepultura análoga a la de osiris, el ahogado, el hesy? El problema todavia no se ha planteado".

 Hay un caso bastante seignificativo en el que la posición social elevada hizo que el cadáver fuese rescatado para ser embalsamado y darle sepultura para que así pudiera tener una vida eterna.
Se trata de Sebni, el oficial que sirvió a Pepi II y que fue a rescatar el cadáver de su padre, Mekhu.
En la tumba de Aswan podemos leer toda la historia del noble muerto en combate y de como su hijo trató por todos los medios de rescatar su cuerpo e incluso lleva un equipo de embalsamadores para que preparasen el cadáver.

 Uno de los personajes que posiblemente murió en combate y su cuerpo fue recogido para su posterior enterrameinto es Sekenenre (Tao II).
Este hombre había muerto de forma violenta y presentaba cinco heridas graves en el cráneo:

Según Maspero:

 ...it is not known whether he fell upon the field of battle or was the victim of some plot; the appearance of his mummy proves that he died a violent death when about forty years of age. Two or three men, whether assassins or soldiers, must have surrounded and despatched him before help was available. A blow from an axe must have severed part of his left cheek, exposed the teeth, fractured the jaw, and sent him senseless to the ground; another blow must have seriously injured the skull, and a dagger or javelin has cut open the forehead on the right side, a little above the eye. His body must have remained lying where it fell for some time: when found, decomposition had set in, and the embalming had to be hastily performed as best it might

Greenlandic child

Greenlandic child, preserved through natural mummification. One of a group of 6 women and 2 children all buried together in the same grave. Hands detail. Country of Origin: Greenland. Culture: Eskimo. Date/Period: buried circa 1475 AD. Place of Origin: Qilakitsoq. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ The Greenland Museum . Location: 22.

Greenlandic woman, preserved through natural mummification

Greenlandic woman, preserved through natural mummification. One of a group of 6 women and 2 children all buried together in the same grave. Country of Origin: Greenland. Culture: Eskimo. Date/Period: buried circa 1475 AD. Place of Origin: Qilakitsoq. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ The Greenland Museum . Location: 22

domingo, 3 de abril de 2016



The Physical Evidence

The Physical Evidence

In the 1980s, German Egyptologist Dr. Arne Eggebrecht visited the Niagara Falls Museum and Daredevil Hall of Fame. Upon seeing this mummy and hearing the story of its purchase in Egypt, he was the first to suggest that the unwrapped body might actually be that of a New Kingdom pharaoh. Eggebrecht's identification was based on knowledge of the history of the royal mummies, and a thorough knowledge of the changes in mummification practices throughout Egyptian history

 Many Egyptologists have commented on the uncanny resemblance of this mummy to the descendents of Ramesses I, which, luckily, are among the most well preserved of the mummies that survive from the New Kingdom. Though this evidence is more anecdotal than scientific, the resemblance of this mummy to the mummies of Seti I (son) and Ramesses II (grandson) is compelling. In particular, the noses of all three kings are especially prominent, with a pronounced bridge. The nose of Ramesses II was even packed with seeds and a small animal bone during mummification to preserve its shape.

 Hundreds of images were taken of the mummy, which were used to compile a three-dimensional reconstruction of the body. These images have fascinated Egyptologists and medical doctors who have lent their expertise to interpreting them.

 The most important indication of the royal status of the mummy is the position of the arms, which are crossed right over left on the chest.
 The arms of Predynastic mummies were bent at the elbows with the hands covering the face.

Throughout the Old and Middle Kingdoms bodies were mummified with their arms at their sides, sometimes with their hands covering the pelvic area. The crossed-arm position is not generally found until the New Kingdom when it is reserved for royal males. The mummy's left hand is clenched, and probably held a royal scepter, now lost.

 During the New Kingdom, the nails of royal mummies and other high-status individuals were often hennaed. Though the nails of Ramesses I have not been analyzed for traces of henna, they are a distinct deep orange color.

 The toes of the Carlos mummy may also indicate a high-status mummification. If the toes are left alone during the mummification process, they typically will curl together as they are pressed by bandaging, as shown in the X-ray image of the feet of another mummy in the Museum's collection. The toes of the mummy believed to Ramesses I are separated or splayed.

 They were probably wrapped separately and covered with toe stalls. Toe stalls, like the ones worn by Tutankhamen were caps, often made of gold, which covered the toes in order to prevent these delicate extremities from breaking. These were a burial luxury reserved for persons of wealth or status, including royalty, and were probably stolen from this body in antiquity.

 The embalming incision on the left side of the body helps to date the mummy to the New Kingdom. This incision was made during the mummification process to allow the embalmers to remove the lungs, liver, stomach, and intestines of the deceased. Like the position of the arms, the placement and angle of the embalming incision changed over time. Before the l8th Dynasty, the incision was vertical, along the side of the belly. Beginning in the late 18th Dynasty and continuing into the 19th, the incision was made diagonally across the body, like that of the Carlos mummy, from the hipbone to the pubic area, close to the thigh. Axial CT scans of the body provide a clear view of the incision and the linen wrapping that covers the mummy's pelvis, as well as linens that were inserted deep into the incision.

 The incision may have been stitched or sealed with resin. Both methods of closure were used until the 20th Dynasty when stitching became the norm. Because of the layer of resin and linen that coats the entire body, it is not possible to tell which method was used to close the incision on the mummy of Ramesses I. Samples of the resin coating were sent to the Scientific Research Lab at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston where they were analyzed by Dr. Richard Newman, Head of Scientific Research. The samples were analyzed for their organic components using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). A mixture of organic compounds was identified, including vegetable oil and two types of natural resin, Pistacia and a conifer resin, possibly pine.

Ancient Egyptians considered the heart to be the center of the soul and the source of all knowledge. The heart was supposed to be left in place during mummification so that it could be weighed against the feather of truth in the final judgment. Though this was the ideal, it was not always the reality. It was a difficult task to remove all the other internal organs through an incision in the lower abdomen and leave the heart in place. Less expensive mummifications, if they included evisceration at all, often resulted in the careless or accidental removal of the heart along with the other organs. In the event that the heart was removed, a protective heart amulet was placed within the linen wrappings near the place where the heart should be. CT images of the mummy of Ramesses I clearly show that his heart remains in place, indicating the high quality of the mummification process. 

Also visible in the CT image, and in a video flythrough composed of multiple CT scan slices, are long, tightly-rolled bundles of linen that would have been placed inside the empty body cavity to absorb moisture and maintain a natural human shape against the pressure of the wrappings and adornments. The linen would have been soaked in resin, which was believed to have disinfectant properties. Resin, which was an expensive material used lavishly in other royal mummifications, was also poured into the body cavity filling it about half way.
Resinated linen rolls were also placed in the mouth, throat, and rectum, evidence of the high quality of this particular mummification procedure. Similar rolls of resinated linen were found in the mummy of Seti I.

 Since the functions of the mind were believed to be centered in the heart, the ancient Egyptians saw no need to preserve the brain for the afterlife. Ideally, the brain was removed and discarded. But just as lower status mummifications often resulted in the careless or accidental removal of the heart, the brain was frequently left in place, as here in a CT image of the mummy of Ta-hasat from the Carlos Museum's collection. The cribiform plate (the roof of the sinuses), which would have been broken in order to remove the brain, remains intact

 In the mummy of Ramesses I, the brain was carefully removed leaving an empty skull cavity. The cribiform plate has clearly been broken. A long metal tool would have been inserted through the right nostril to break the cribiform plate and then gyrated to liquefy the brain matter. Once the skull was drained of the liquefied brain matter, it was then filled approximately halfway with resin. A video flythrough, constructed by compiling multiple CT images, follows the path of the metal tool, as it would have entered the right nostril and moved upward through the broken cribiform plate to remove the brain.
