viernes, 22 de enero de 2016

Mummy of Ankh Hor

These xrays are of the mummy Ankh Hor. Notice the modern pins, that show up as thin white lines. The square shaped items are clips holding the back of the cartonnage together. It is believed that an attempt may have been made to open the case at sometime in the more recent past (perhaps the 19th or early 20th century).
On the close-up of the head, the eyebrow and eye pieces are visible. This xray also shows that Ankh Hor had good teeth; often teeth were heavily worn down by the gritty bread that the Egyptians ate.
There is evidence that Ankh Hor may have broken his collarbone at some time in his life; although this did heal. There is further evidence for a possible fracture to the pelvis area. As there is no sign of this healing, it has been speculated that it may have been the cause of his death.
On the upper body some small amulets are discernible, and the large dense area on the left side of the chest may be a wrapped shabti of Osiris in place of the heart, which was usually the only organ left in the body.
The xrays were kindly produced by the radiography staff of the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, outside of regular hospital hours.

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